Monday, 19 December 2011


so we know cats love this stuff, but it turns out we do too!
we've been having cups of catnip tea all day long
and have felt its beautiful effects descending upon us

hazzie nippin' out

how do you make this tasty tea?
put one heaped Tbsp of catnip in a cup of boiling water
you can add soymilk, maple syrup or whatever sweetener
(if youre that kind of tea drinker)

if you don't like the texture of the catnip
in your tea,
feel free to use a strainer!

and its bountiful effects?
they come in the masses!
first of all, you should feel a buzz
a calm descending throughout your body
a feeling a utter relaxation
an elevation of spirits
things get a lil dreamy...

and the stuff is also incredible for your general well-being
it relieves you of anxiety, insomnia, or stomach & tooth aches
eases depression
even helps fight off colds & flus
abdominal pain or IBS? grab a cuppa!

NOTE! rumour has it you mustn't drink when pregnant

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