Monday, 5 March 2012

wake n' bake autumnal casserole

baked kumara & lentil casserole
with borlotti & basil dip



* 2-3 large kumaras 
* one can of brown lentils
* four or more cloves of garlic
* one can of chopped tomatoes
* a nice amount of tomato paste
* one large red onion
* one cube of vegetable bullion 
* a slash of olive oil
* a pinch of hymalayan sea salt (or any salt you like)
* pepper!
* a bit of soy sauce
* a sprinkling of curry powder
* a generous amount of agave nectar (or any sweetener you like)
* basil!
* bread crumbs 

slice up the kumaras and red onion and garlic and scatter in a baking dish, layer it up!
pour a little olive oil over the delicious vegetables then put in the oven for about twenty minutes.
Meanwhile in a sauce pan mix the can of tomatoes, tomato paste, vegetable bullion and soy sauce until all heated together, gradually stirring in the agave nectar, curry powder and salt-n-pepa
soon it will be delicious!  then.....take the baked goods out of the oven for a moment and pour the red sauce all over it and through it. put it back in the oven for another twenty minutes or so.  Then, take it out and put the breadcrumbs and basil on top, add a dash more of salt then return to the oven chamber!
cook for another ten or fifteen minutes.

its really nice with rocket fuel sauce (can be purchased at most supermarkets in wellington)

basil and borlotti bean dip:


* one can of borlotti beans
* lots and lots of fresh basil
* three-five garlic cloves
* salt-n-pepa
* agave nectar
* apple cider vinegar
* the juice of one lemon

blend all ingredients together in a food processor, or with a slender blender, or if you dont have access to such things, just mash it together with a fork, but be sure to mince the garlic up really fine and shred the basil up. and presto!     

p.s this meal would not have been complete without the generosity of our friend Jono who brought us round a very bountiful bag of fresh basil. thanks Jono! for the gift of delicious greens.

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