Friday, 20 April 2012

cool chick chickpea patties

our brother haz has been a mad chef for the past few days, creating some sensational meals! today he made us the best thing we've ever tasted; chickpea patties! eat up, eat up, they are out of this world!

half a can of chickpeas
half a carrot
a smidgen of beetroot (for the colour!)
1 veggie stock cube
3 pinches of mixed herbs
1 red onion
1 tomato
splash of oil
1 "egg" (optional, though will hold together better!)
1 Tbsp LSA (ground linseed, sunflower, & almond mix)
1 tsp dukkah (or other spices of your choice)

1.  drain chickpeas & pour into a bowl
2. add very, very finely chopped carrot, onion, tomato, and grated beetroot. mash together until wonderfully smushed!
3. now add flaaaavours: stock cube, mixed herbs, oil, LSA, "egg",  and dukkah & mash up nicely all together
4. preferably, let sit in the fridge overnight (this will allow patties to combine better!) then cook on a grill or non-stick pan, 5 or so minutes on each side, until browned

and presto! you can serve these in a sandwich like we did. youll fall in love if you throw together some bread, tahini, hummus, avocado, grated carrot & beetroot, capsicum, silverbeet, tuimato & rocket fuel!

for another idea, leave out the "egg" and leave as a delicious mushy dip!

thank you hazzie!!!

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